Monday, April 16, 2012

I just wanted to thank the thankable...

I want to thank those who did  help me in guild,  who did treat me right,  and fairly,  and did not  say things in vent about my grammar or how I type in chats.   Just an FYI to those who complain about my grammar, typoness/silly chat talk,    I type only with my right hand,  minus my pinky cuz I broke it few yrs ago and thru the crap I gone thru last few yrs I  have  not been able to use it becuz it hurts after a lil bit of use. So.  I type with just  three fingers and thumb of only my right hand.   So,  you see how  screwed up those who commented about my way of typing were to me. I type the silly way I do to sorta hide my typos,  I cope and deal with my limitations, make due with what ability I do have still.        

 The  way things went in guild,  started nice,  but,     when I ask how we  go thru rank promotions,  Im  directed to first tab info of guild bank.  OK, so I  read it and  understand it, then  when time comes I  ask  about   what else  we must do for promotion,  and Im ignored,  no answer,   except a lil bit later I get  a wisp saying  they not got promoted till well after a month.  How do you  expect moral to be healthy within guild if you dont HONOR what you  set as guildlines to promotion of rank in guild?   OK,   so,  forget about putting stuff into guild vault,  since you cant use it to help yourself upgrade your toon with anything you bank. When I asked  how we can get mats when needed,  Im told  that its just for  officers.  What?,   just officers?,   so,    you mean   the  explanation of guild told to me when I was  going to join was a lie?,    Musta been..    becuz thats what I was told,   OK,  forget about  guild bank  being of use to guildies in need unless your an officer,  or friend of one who can access,  because I did in fact  read in chat  someone ask and  get answered with  an ok,  np,  one sec.  MMHMM,  lol,   anyhoo,    with all that aside,        Vent,    a way to have voice within guild,        also  a way for those to feel they can  talk about others  behind their backs   till they log in.    Oh ya,  I heard stuff said,   and then they stop when  the one   mentioned logs in.     Hell, I even heard comments about my typing in vent,      then in  guild chat  I read,  " its not about you",   whatever  ,    I not dumdum,      but I guess being a girl in WoW   , Im not   a   person worth respecting.   OK,   forget about vent.

 Now,       you see  my reasons to stay?,   not much huh?.        Alright,       besides      being ignored alot by  guildies in chat,   besides    getting  all  raid invites in my calendar taken away after April 5th raid invite, which still shows up in my calendar by the way.  ( Oh ya, I had invites to tues and thurs raids, then all poofed from my calendar!)       ...Besides   being  just a guildie noob to  most of  the guild,       I just  want to say to those who got mail in world leading you here:   Thank you for being a friend.  Sadly you are the few that held up to the  greatness explained to me about the guild  by the one who invited me.

Sadly, that one who invited me to guild  also  said  I had bad grammar in vent just after I left. LOL,  "A mature no drama guild,  willing to help you gear up!"    lol,   ya,   Ill  agree with the help u gear up part,  thats all,    the rest is BS,     and sadly,     in the world of warcraft,  most are just   over-aged nerds who can care less about hurting others by words sed,   by caring less about  how one feels  left out by the  powers that be in guilds.      If only  they  knew how to be human,  not  a nerd,  not  such an dumdum to others,     the guild would be  a great guild to be in; to feel fully welcome in, and  truely feel like part of the team,  not just a pawn.  Im just glad I got to meet the few non mean-nerdos in guild     (   I guess we all nerdo a bit to play wow, lol  :P  )  

So..  thank you  to those who truely were  mature,    non dramatic,  helpful,  understanding, and with  a sense of humor.  YOU  are the  few that made it hard to leave the guild,  because I  been thinking on moving since  over a week now.     but   sadly the BS piled up  too high,  and  it   hit the fan when I left guild,  as well as in vent.  LOL, ..    Their loss,    but I gained a few friends for sure. So  for that I do have reasons to thank the guild,  and I did say thanks just before I left,   which is  the "thanks" I sed  in guild chat just before leaving.  If it was taken as sarcasm,  then thats the remaining perspective of the guilty. To the rest my explanation here shall clear that lil bit part up.

   To know more about me, if you wish to,    click the link below,   it will go to my first blog,   of when I was in secondlife,  a 3d chat format I used to develop and build in before I came to  WoW.   The posts go from most recent post down,  so  earliest  is at bottom  of  page ,   and    before that point,   I   had more,  but  I had taken it out because ,   my life condition has turned for the better miraculously and my attitude  in life is more positive  than  what all I had  in blog before when things were  looking  very dark in my life.       Again,  thank you  for   everything  and  understanding my limitations,  in play,  in typoing, lol,  everything.   If u only knew  my setup here,  you wud laf at me  on how I actually play wow.   I dont use my keyboard except to type only.  I use my mouse,  my keyboard sits to the right of me,  Im    mostly in bed,   or sitting up  still on my bed,   mouse on my right side too,  game pad on my left. My left arm is messed up due to nerve damage,  tho it dont have the bad shaking as it used to,  it is not as  perfect as before and hence can not  be used to type two handed.the way I know how.   I used to be  data entry at my job,   along with a ton of other  positions I had to fill in because the  company was not a big place,  so the team was not  a big one so we pulled together to make things happen,  but I typed  perfect,  and  very  low  error, and very fast before life took a turn on me.

So,       bad grammer,  is not   right at all,  its just  me being silly because I rather be funny and silly than be uptight serious  and  all  perfecto nerdo. Ill not change for anyone,   ever.  I am me,  like me or hate me,    Im a girl who  will never change for any guy.   I prefer to  have fun,   and thats what I do with my limitations and  typo errors,   I find ways to cope and  work with  what I have and so I type shorthand/silly,  becuz its what comes out  and plus,  I like to  make the reader sound out what I wish I cud say in voice.  ya,   read my first blog to  find out more on my voice if you dont already know.   Typing,   IS my voice ,      but  mebbe    some wow nerds  just find it so offensive to have  a real person from the real world,  a girl,   to  type in any other way  except perfect spell-checked  english with  no flaws.      *ponders in thought*        .....Oh how soo uber I wud be if only I cud be a nerd huh?,  LOL,    hell no,  Ill not change,  lol,     I am me,  and I  love to pew pew in wow,  and if they no like it in   some guilds,  then they can kiss my typo butt.  lol. 

  Well,  enuf of my  blah blah,  this really was meant to only be a  "thank you" to those deserving of my ty.   So thank you ,   from the bottom of my heart,   really.  I hope you all the best of luck,  and   if you do stay in that guild,   then  you  are  better at  dealing with crap than I am,  lol. It is a gud guild in its  little ways,  I guess  perks,  lol.   Im not gonna  ask you or anybody to leave,  because its not my intent to screw  a guild for having a few bad eggs that ruin the experience.  LOL.       Just  good luck  whether you stay or not,  is all I  wish for you all.   Bye for now my fellow  wow players/ friends.  I hope to still see you  around  in WoW.      And Ill still come  do Hots with you if you want me to.   I just left the guild,  not our friendships. ok?.    *big hugs*    o:')