Saturday, August 4, 2012

Exalted with guild, new toons, and the next expansion!

Herrooo  o:)       ,   I say  that with my smiley every time I  run random Hour of Twilight dungeons and the que pops to enter dungeon, lol.  Well,  alot has gone on lately with wow,  with the new expansion on the horizon and everyone scrambling to raise their gold and some materials, its been interesting to say the least with the auction house prices and all. My guild experience continues to be the greatest,  no news on that, just,   so happy to have been  exalted for some time now and unlike in the other guilds I been  with,  I actually find myself often going to the guild vault and putting in materials for raid stuffs whenever I can,  even searching good pricing in ah to fill up on things I see running low, lol. I know  what I said before with that "other" guild but this one,  just  truly is home to me in wow, and it truly has been a pleasure to contribute and help the teams,  and simply , just have pride in the guild as a whole, and be an example to others who join in,  to be helpful, to be nice, to treat the person rather than just the toon, and have fun.

Being exalted  has been  for me,  an achievement I really thought Id never find. It just took the right guild,  the right group of ppl who have the same sense of game play,  sense of togetherness  to help out,  and not just ignore the guildies.  Helping for me  in wow,  IS my fun after all,   and it makes me feel useful,  and happy after, as when they reach points that may even surpass my lvl of play, and to help others as I and others in guild have them. That is how WoW shud be imho.

Lately, in guild,  we now have two groups for raiding, so now   some ppl can raid with guild and not be left out, Group one  mostly is the original group running weekends,  group two is the weekday raid group which I am in, unless I  run heroics with another group. In guild we are not in heroics as of yet,  but I wud love to see it soon. My friend, whom I can safely consider a close friend/partner in "pew pew", has taken the lead spot of group two, and I know he will do an awesome job. What he and I  been doing alot,  is  trying to pick apart every tiny aspect of  the raid, and everything in wow for that matter, to find improvements on survival of group and individuals, better dps (damage per second), and basic and complex mechanics of bosses in raids. He fully analyzes everything and takes notes,  compares on paper what goes on and what can be, testing ideas and finding the better path on becoming successful in fights as a group, and for individuals alike.

Conversations in chat with my friend , on  raid subjects  get pretty extensive ,  and after we figure something, we realize,  couple hours have gone by, LOL. But we get alot done, figuring stuff,  testing,  creating macros, (he is the true macro king) and in the end we hope it works in group. At times I feel as if our priorities on whether sleep or raid convo/game play has switched places, lol.  I really enjoy the challenges in the "figuring out" and testing, and even if debates come out, we find a resolve on the subject and become better at what we were trying for, and ultimately,  I feel we have become closer as friends in our goals  in the game from it all. It is rare I find anyone I connect with so well,  it is my hope that it continues and what we make of our time benefits the guild as it has benefited our own as far as skill and knowledge goes,  and chemistry of good ppl working together, and growing in friendships..

As far as new toons,  my friend and I have created Worgan toons together lately, and have been putting time on them at our  day's (or night's) end. We have reached lvl 25 as of last night,  or was it this morning?,    lol,  our time patterns are so bad on sleep patterns, lol.   He made his a rogue,  and mine is another hunter. I love hunters, and wish all my toons were hunters. My friend wants to learn all the classes of toons so he  learns the skills of each to adapt that knowledge to becoming a better raid leader. He is an elitist at heart, but one that helps, and dont nit-pik at silly things like equipped gear thats not perfect,  in fact  if  theres  a way to improve someone's gear and they are willing to become better geared,  we help them,  run them thru some HoTs hoping for nice drops, or farm for mats to make them gear.

On my end of everything with my goals in game,  Im seeking to get into  Dragon Soul Heroics. I have found a group, and have run one raid with them so far. My goal is,  to learn the raid,  learn  other's strategy, gear up with heroic gear and ultimately bring the guild into heroics. Although our guild is a casual raiding guild, we want to bring our guild into the heroic ranks, without the elitist drama of most other guilds. So really we want to get heroics started in a way it is still fun, and welcome all in guild to try it, learn it, and eventually make heroics a casual raid experience that progresses comfortably, as we do in normal DS. On a side note, my goal is to continue my progression in my gear, and achieve getting heroic best in slot gear, along with gaining  more knowledge in fights in heroic raiding, the mechanics of group positions and strategies, and how to adapt my style, or improve on it altogether. I am sure by the time I get heroic gear,  Ill have useless gear compared to  what will be in the new expansion, lol. but its a goal,  if its reached then thats good. It will only make MoP easier for me, lol,   for a lil while anyways.

Mists of Panderia,   hmm,   another 40 dollars to blizz, lol. Expansions!, lol.   Well,   the saga continues,  the Lore grows,  the game changes,  good for some, bad for others,  many will nerd rage and quit wow for a while,  others will love it,   the rest will adapt and continue play. For me,  I  really was liking the way it is,  but all I can do  is  see how things will be, and hope its  a good change, although Im not liking the fact we will lose mass ress and guild summons. Blizz wants players to travel more in the world...    of warcraft, and to me that wastes time,  game time we pay for, traveling over places we been to  50 million times, time that we can use actually doing stuffs, but oh well, at least we will have the ability to get the faster flight training at a very expensive 9000 gold, lol. Save up ppls!   lol  ,  It will be ok Im sure.  Ppl were hating  the changes when Cataclysm came out,  and now   no one  says much of anything on it,  lol. So we will see.

The question everyone asks... "Cant wait to roll a panda/monk?"  , LOL,  ya,  what does that mean?,     A new  race is  introduced in wow in MoP,   Pandaren,   Monk  is  a class, far as  I kno,  and I hear its   very versatile, as far as,  it can  be, if I recall correctly, dps,  heals,  and tank.  I will    update more on this  as I learn more of the subject.  Either way,   I may "roll" a panda. In other words,   create and lvl up a Pandaren toon. And it most likely will be a hunter, lol.

All in all, alot has gone on  in wow, and I feel happy because Im in the company of great ppl, a great guild, and true friends I never met, lol. Ya it sounds funny that way, but  for at least 75% of anyone in wow, that is how it is, but it is a true honor for me to get to know my WoW friends and be welcome to kill pixel baddies alongside them few days a week, if not everyday, LOL. Overall with most, I  feel comfortable   with my guild,  I share my real name with them, some have my real id, and can see me online  on any toon/realm I may be on/in. Real ID  puts more of the real person in game thats otherwise just a toon name with friends. I like to be known as Jenn instead of just "Bg" but  I know,  like me  some ppl are hard to recall real names. Oh, now that it came up, Ill explain, lol (although it is known easily here in my blog),  the  running joke of my having Bg in my toon names.....,   its not meant for "BattleGrounds"   its abbreviation for BOOTEDGIRL,  my rl nickname.  when I first  joined WoW, I did not know  what bg stood for in game,  and so,  I hear in trade chat  alot about  bgs,  lol,  good and bad,    always  talking about  bg, lol. Im so popular, :P   I get asked to join in PVP teams, or  join up for battlegrounds.    lol,      anyhoo, I really dont like pvp stuffs,      its just funny,        we have fun with the "Bg" thing,   just  all in fun   with  good ppl in a fun game.

I look forward to  getting back to the game,  its  a good way to pass my time when Im home, and, when things get better RL, Ill be sure to put time in wow to help out  however and whenever I can, long as Im able to.  o:)         This post sure got big, being written and saved as draft last few days, lol. This last part is all I typed today as I post it up, lol. Bye for now and be well, and Ill  update more when I can.  o:)

~Jennifer Wolf