Friday, September 28, 2012

MoP is out! and OMG Pandaria is so pretty!

I been away from WoW for almost a month,  and been back now for about a week or so, and Im liking MoP. I do wish some things were left alone,  but in time, Im sure things will be ok and we will get used to the changes. I love the setting of pandaria,  although I have yet to get past the starting land of becoming level 86, lol.  As of now Im still at level 85, but almost at 86 at least. I been having fun playing with the  companion pet battle feature and now have  some pets at level 10, lol.  Its so funny (or not) how we all worked soooo hard to get  geared up  at level 85 and spent tons of gold and time getting materials for making things  to get our i-level up and, now with MoP, we are replacing epic items with rare blue text items at just under lvl 86, lol. I guess its the same feeling everyone had with the coming out of cata, and all the rest of the expansions.

In time, Ill post some links of sites I been told of that helps with setting up toons  with glyphs and such. I am sure they are out now but I have yet to even look them up to see if they updated with rotation for  max dps and all that goes with maxing out all abilities of other toons. Until then,  enjoy and have fun till u get to level 90, lol.  bye for now  o:)